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Tagliafico Lighting S.r.l. - Genova - e-mail: info@tagliaficolighting.com - Tel: +39.010.8301288
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Tagliafico Lighting at the Parco delle Dune in Genova Pra', in the context of the port buffer zone, supplied the retrofit kits for the pre-existing light points and the new products for the expansion of the system.

9m conical regatta poles were supplied. equipped with Raygere and Cime Maestro with 1 and 2 lights painted matt white, complete with oblique tie rods, all supporting the Doge 590 LED lamps in the 5015 glossy blue colour, equipped with 3000°K LED sources with asymmetric and round M-Class optics -symmetric Area.

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Tagliafico Lighting S.r.l.  - P.I.: IT 01922140999 R.E.A. di Genova n. 445533
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