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Tagliafico Lighting S.r.l. - Genova - e-mail: info@tagliaficolighting.com - Tel: +39.010.8301288
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Urban Forniture

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Tagliafico Lighting contributes to the charm of our villages and historic centers by offering a wide selection of elements for street furniture and private gardens.
Among our products there are urban bollards available, to regulate vehicular and pedestrian traffic but also to delimit private areas including car parks and leisure areas. 
The cast iron fountains, which stand out for their classic and resistant design, the waste bins, the public clocks and the planters.
We have various models of banners, noticeboards, up to poles, signs and totems for toponymy and historical reporting.

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Tagliafico Lighting S.r.l.  - P.I.: IT 01922140999 R.E.A. di Genova n. 445533
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